Wednesday 25 January 2012

Summer Olympics

In 2012 Canada hosted the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver BC. The next Olympic games will be hosted in London England. The 2012 games were amazing just like they always are, always filling people with excitement, suspense, and incredible joy. I am sure that this years summer games will be the same. The games in Vancouver were great, but they received a lot of criticism from the British media. Many people believe that the British were trying to make our games look bad to make their own look more grand and have them more appreciated.

I think this is just completely stupid. Other countries should not be competing agaisnt each other to try and have a better Olympics then the last, especially not bashing. Each country definitely has their own special niche to bring to the table and that should be enough. If a country does like a another's Olympics better they should compliment them and not bash them.

It is the Olympic games, a rare time that only comes around technically every 4 years and we should not spend our time bashing each other but rather sitting together and enjoying the athletes show off their life long training.

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