Friday 13 January 2012

2012 The End of The World?

Many people believe that this year the world will end in December. People believe in this theory because of the Mayan calender and its predictions. The Mayan calender predicted that man will reach the moon at a certain period of time and it was not very off. The fact that the calender ends on December 21st many people think that since the calender is done then the world will be over as well.

My personal beliefs are that the world will not end. Just because a calendar ends does not mean it is the end of time. When the Mayan's were making it they oviously could not have created a calendar that goes on forever, so, it would obviously stop at some point in time.

I think that people are getting to hyped up about the whole "end of the world" thing and they are taking it too seriously. Also, if the world were coming to an end there would be nothing we could do about it so we would just have to continue living our lives just like any other day.

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