Thursday 27 October 2011

I used to love Austin Powers's movies, all the stupid humour and dumb jokes was great. The way they made fun of bond movies in the whole plotline of the films was also hilarious. For example the scenes were Dr. Evil (cliche exagerated name) would ask for and exagerated ridiculously high amount of money if he was to halt his evil plan of destroying the earth or whatever else his plans would be.

I think they should have continued to produce theses movies. There are a number of new bond films that have been released so why not any new Austim Powers movies? They were evidently greatly enjoyed by their audience because there was not only one film but a number of them. So why? Why did they stop making these great comedies?

What I think is that a director or actor or someone from Hollywood should step up and say something. They should try and start a movement and try and bring back the production of these awesome and loved films for the enjoyment of a lot of people.

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Halloween is a great time of year when everyone gets in spirit and dresses up, and the best part, free candy! Simply a very fun time, and I remember when I was a kid it was awesome when someone left a bowl of candy with a note that said, " please take a few" because if any kid was lucky enough to find one they would obviously unload the entire thing into their candy sac.

The thing about halloween was though, some neighborhoods had a lot of people that didnt participate. I think thats a shame, theres no harm in taking part its all just for fun, and for the kids obviously the free candy is what its all about. Another aspect of halloween that wasnt enjoyable was when people would give you weird candy or that hated-by-all stupid taffy that is so annoyingly sticky and not a pleasure to eat at all.

For halloween to be an even better experience I think as much people should participate. Also, the citizens that hand out the candy should educate themeselves or just use some common sense as to what candy's they should by and hopefully boycot that damn taffy...

Monday 3 October 2011


Twitter is an amazing way to know what people are up to and their opinions on things, and its also very cool because many celebrities use it so people are able to see what their up to and gain a little bit of insight on their personality. All people have to do is sign up and start "following" whoever they like. (following means to subscribe to someone so that you can see all of their "status updates" or a.k.a. "tweets".

I think Twitter is a very cool invention and I love that you are able to see what celebrities are up to and also see what they like and what other celebrities they are friends with. Many celebrities commonly have funny or very interesting tweets.

I think many more people should use Twitter because it is a very cool app for people to use.